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Direction: Rut Balbís

Performers: María Move and Álvaro Reboredo Ortega “Fitinho”

Aerial acrobacy: Álvaro Reboredo Ortega “Fitinho”

Music and vocal technique: María Move 

Lighting Design: Afonso Castro 

Electronic bases and recording: Guillermo Cortiñas and María Move

Costume design: Teresa Gutiérrez 

Production, photo, video, web and graphic design: Manu Lago 

A production: Cía. Airenoar

Production collaborators: Teatro Principal de Compostela, Normal, Circonove, Casa Tomada e Centro Sociocultural de Santa Marta. 

Tour collaborators: Agadic - Xunta de Galicia, Gobierno Vasco - Danza Sarea.



AIREnoAR grows out of the search for new artistic languages from fusion in different arts. Under the direction of the dancer and choreographer Rut Balbis, the performers Maria Move and Alvaro Reboredo create a scene of communication and interrelation between elements and body, through the fusion of their artistic expertises: aerial acrobacy (smooth rope) and music (vocal technique).

Starting with the basis of human relationships—bodies and space, we connect with emotion, with the pictoral image of light and its forms, and with the sound that grows and resounds within the body.

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